Caltanissetta, Italy: A Closer Look

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Take a closer look at business, education and quality of life in Caltanissetta, Italy.

    Major Industries

  • Wine Production
  • Agriculture
  • Nougat and Candy-Making
  • Artisanal Goods

  Education and Workforce

Featuring several producers of fine artisanal products with long legacies from hand-carved pipes to specialty liquor, Caltanissetta has a high commitment to quality. The production of nougat and other sweets like marzipan are also very important to this Sicilian town. In its past, it was largely a mining community, extracting its abundant natural resources of sulfur, an industry which is now preserved in its The Mineralogical and Paleontological Museum of the Sulfur Mines of Caltanissetta.

With its “Magistero di Servizio Sociale,” or School of Social Services, Caltanissetta also provides training and eduction for social workers.

icon qual of life   Quality of Life

Life in Caltanissetta is surrounded with a wealth of  architecture and the richness of the city’s history and culture. Among its architectural treasures are the Castle of Pietrarossa,  the Abbey of Santo Spirito and the Church of St. Agatha. The interior of the latter, pictured right, features rich polychromatic marble embellishments and a Greek-cross floor plan.

The church is just one example of how Caltanissetta’s culture comes together at the intersection of the Greek, Roman, NoSant'Agata_al_Collegio,_interior_dome_(Caltanissetta)rman, Swabian, Anjou, Aragonese and Castilian influences that characterize Caltanissetta’s history. Each transition of power left a unique mark on the city that gives it its distinct identity today.

One of the most important expressions of Caltanissetta’s identity is its annual Easter Week, or La Settimana Santa. This week is full of community events, namely the Holy Thursday procession during which sixteen groups of statues are paraded through the streets to represent the steps of Christ’s passion.


external-link-512   Resources

Select Businesses

Government and Regional


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